Candidate Amplification Rooms

Amplification Rooms on Twitter

The primary function of this room is to support candidates by increasing Twitter reach & audience.

🔹Drop candidate tweets in here to get interactions on your tweets. There are Twitter influencers in the room with you. They are here to interact with you and your tweets. When they like, add graphics, retweet or quote your tweet, it expands your reach. Some are also in activist rooms where they can drop tweets that they’ve quote tweeted.
🔹Get advice on your account and tweets
🔹Connect with other candidates

How to "Drop" a Tweet to a DM
How to “Drop” a Tweet to a DM. Select the up arrow on the bottom right hand of a tweet.
Send via Direct Message
Send via Direct Message

If a Twitter influencer/activist has followed you, follow them back. In general the people following you would like a follow back, and if you’re mutual followers they will see more of what you post.

Twitter algorithms give your tweet more points based on the amount of interaction that tweet gets. Tweets that have likes, comments, retweets and quote tweets get points assigned in that order. With the most points going to quote tweets. Twitter uses that algorithm to determine how they place your tweet in your follower’s feed. More points means higher placement. A graphic or video in your tweet may get you more points, and it definitely will get you more attention with your followers.

Make your tweets unique, paragraph style or bullet points so they’re eye catching! You don’t want to be dinged by Twitter for spamming so make each tweet unique.

Including a graphic or video gets people’s attention.

Tweet every day.

Your tweet should have an overall positive tone, but calling out your opponent is okay – for example focus on their record and highlight how your platform is better for them. Tweeting an article that relates to your platform is a good choice as well. Don’t @ your opponent or the GOP as you’ll attract trolls and bots.

Have a solid pinned tweet that highlights your campaign and issues you’re passionate about! Click the 3 dots in upper right of tweet to pin it to your profile.

Include your state and district number in your tweets, so #PA15 would be Pennsylvania’s Fifteenth Congressional District. By including the district with hashtag you attract voters searching the district as your tweets will pop up in that search. Your room influencers can quote tweet you, drop their tweet into influencer rooms they belong to and expand your reach.

Get your Twitter verified blue checkmark! If you need help with that reach out to @justresisting for details and tips to get approved!

Make sure you’re represented across social media! Have a website, Twitter, Facebook etc.

Videos are a great way to connect with voters, see some of the amazing videos your fellow candidates have! Have a script and practice it. Film in a well lit room or outside about 15-30 mins before sunset. Make sure there are no shadows. Backgrounds that are a large enough distance behind you will keep you in focus and blur what’s behind you. Ideally this is an intro video and is less than 2 mins in length. If you need help writing or someone to review your video, please reach out via DM.

Fill out candidate surveys and submit a photo to @ballotpedia. This is critical!

Follow the “Candidates Flipping Seats” list on @HawkeyeFan1983 page. Visit the list often to like & comment on other candidates tweets. Help each other reach more people.

Join our candidate forum calls on Tuesday nights at 7 pm ET to meet other candidates and share about your campaigns!